On March 14, 2022, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 353 “On the specifics of activity in the field of conformity assessment in the Russian Federation in 2022” dated March 12, 2022 was published and entered into force.
The document stipulates the automatic extension of the validity of certificates of conformity by 12 months and their simplified issuance in the current year. This is intended to reduce the costs for carrying out confirmation of conformity. It also introduces a one-year delay for manufactured production to undergo attestation of conformity.
In addition, during this period, the authorities may make decisions on reducing the duration of services, mandatory requirements or the list of required documents, and on lifting the conformity assessment.
Changes in Conformity Assessment
First of all, the document establishes the possibility of conducting an inspection control of the certified products placed on the market in Russia in 2022 in the form of an analysis of the state of production, including online. In addition, samples can be tested instead.
The certification body is currently authorized to postpone the inspection control planned for 2022 by up to 6 months.
The validity period of the certificates of conformity, which expire from March 14, 2022 to September 1, 2022, is extended by a further 12 months. The manufacture and placing on the market of products according to these documents will be carried out after the new period of validity of the certificates of conformity without additional tests may be possible.
The document also stipulates that when importing products into the territory of Russia, it is enough to provide information on certificates of conformity at customs. The originals are not required.
Without certificates of conformity (or information about them), it is allowed to import the following products:
- Spare parts imported to service or repair products previously placed on the Russian market
- Components, materials for the manufacture of products in Russia
- Products for applicant's own use
There are also relaxations in labeling. Until March 1, 2023, goods intended for sale only within Russia may be imported without the marking established by mandatory requirements, including the EAC mark. Labeling is required before the product is sold to the consumer.
Important changes concern the simplification of the conformity assessment. In the period from March 21, 2022 to September 1, 2022, the EAC certification and EAC declaration of products according to schemes, according to which the tests in the accredited test laboratory were required, may be replaced by the EAC declaration on the basis of own proof of product safety. This is possible in the following cases:
- The conformity assessment is required for a batch or single delivery.
- Applicants can only be legal entities or individual entrepreneurs registered in Russia.
- There are the following set of documents:
- Contract/supply contract (copy) and shipping documents identifying the batch/individual product
- Description of the adopted technical solutions and the results of the risk assessment confirming the fulfillment of the mandatory requirements; List of standards (if applicable)
- Documents and information that served as a basis for accepting a declaration of conformity prepared in a foreign language with translation into Russian (with the exception of annexes to test reports)
- The EAC declaration of conformity is registered by the applicant at Rosaccreditation.
- The validity of the declaration of conformity is 6 months from the date of registration at Rosaccreditation.
- Products must not bear the EAC marking.
The list of products for which a simplified EAC declaration of conformity cannot be issued is approved by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Until March 1, 2023, applicants do not have to use
GLN numbers.
In the period from March 14, 2022 to September 1, 2022 there are no rules for invalidating EAC certificates, EAC declarations and test reports approved by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 934 and No. 936 of June 19, 2021 .
Accreditation in the national accreditation system
The preliminary accreditation procedure in the national accreditation system is specified in Appendix No. 17 to Resolution No. 353.
Thus, the deadlines for passing the competency of accredited persons, which run from March 14, 2022 to September 1, 2022, are extended by 6 months. The application must be submitted no earlier than one month before the new certificate of competency.
For accreditation experts whose 5-year certification period expires before March 1, 2023, the certification period is extended by 12 months.
In 2022, accredited testing laboratories are entitled to carry out work on documents that are not included in the approved scope of accreditation until the process of extending the scope of accreditation has been completed.
The state registration of goods will be simplified
For products included in Section II of the Unified List of Goods Subject to State Sanitary and Epidemiological Control on the Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, the simplified procedure of state registration will be introduced.
Authorities have the right to decide on reducing the period for issuing a permit, extending the period of validity, reducing the list of documents required for registration, etc.
Such goods include, for example, personal care articles for adults.