A TR Certificate is an official confirmation that the products conform to the national Russian Technical Regulations. The main purpose of the Technical Regulations is to protect the health and safety of consumers.
According to the reform of the Technical Regulations implemented in Russia, Technical Regulations should replace the old system of the GOST certification or GOST declaration, which no longer meets the modern requirements, and considerably simplify the certification process. With the entry into force of the new Technical Regulations old GOST standards were overridden. Products that are exported to Russia and subject to compulsory certification must be TR certified and marked with a TR mark in order to be allowed to cross the Russian border.
The TR certificate of conformity may only be issued by a notified body after the quality inspection of the products.
Legal situation
For the TR certification, the same legal basis applies as for the GOST certification:
Reform of the Technical Regulation within the Customs Union and EAEU
As a consequence of the coordination of national safety standards between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the previous national Technical Regulations such as Russian GOST and TR certification were gradually phased out and substituted by the new Technical Regulations of the EAEU (TR EAEU) in every industrial sector. In addition to the EAC certification, the EAC declarartion has also been introduced in the Customs Union as a simpler and less expensive form of proof of conformity.
The new system was modelled on the european CE marking and many Technical Regulations are coordinated with EU guidelines. One can say that the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union correspond to the EU guidelines.
TR Certificate includes the following information:
The TR certificate is valid for up to 5 years within the territory of the Russian Federation and contains the following information:
- name and address of the applicant
- name and address of the notified body
- name of certified products
- detailed product information
- names of the Technical Regulations
Area of application
The TR compulsory certification for Export to Russia is subject to all products covered by the government regulation of 1 December 2009 № 982.
TR Declaration
Declaration of conformity with Technical Regulations is a compulsory procedure for the confirmation of product quality. The complete list of goods requiring a TR Declaration for import into Russia can be found in the Government Directive № 982.
In contrast to TR certification, a TR Declaration can only be applied for by the importer of the goods.
The application procedure for a TR declaration shows only slight differences in the TR Certification process in Russia.
TR Declaration usually only has to be applied for for consumer goods such as food, clothing and adult shoes, furniture and various hand tools.
From 1 July 2010, the Customs Code of the Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan has been in force. The new Customs Code is intended to replace existing national certification requirements such as Russian GOST-R, TR or Kazakh GOST-K standards by the uniform Technical Regulations and technical guidelines of the Customs Union by 2015.
Certification process
TR Certificate is issued by the Russian notified body at the request of the applicant.
TR Certificate shall be carried out according todifferent procedures. A distinction is made between: single deliveries, serial deliveries, and serial production. More info>>

Required documents
Each Technical Regulation has different requirements for the corresponding documentation. Typically these are:
- application for TR certification
- technical passport
- test reports
- detailed product description
- instruction manual
- ISO 9001 Certificate
Authorised representative
If the producer doesn't have a location in the EAEU, it does not have the right to apply for a required conformity assessment of its products. In order to still be able to be the subject of a conformity assessment, the foreign producer must give a representative in the EAEU power of attorney. They will defend the interests of the foreign producer when working with the certifying bodies with regard to safety and quality of products and in accordance with technical regulations.
As the law stands and in accordance with the Technical Regulation of the economic union only an operator based in the territory may be named power of attorney.
Obligatory marking of products
The products certified according to the Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation, for which a TR certificate has been issued, must bear the TR mark in order to demonstrate conformity with all legal requirements of the Russian Federation.
The requirements for a mandatory TR certification are covered by the government directive No. 696 of 19 November 2003.
Length and costs for TR certification
The length and costs associated with a certificate application, depend on several different factors, such as the classification of product, any required laboratory checks and complexity of all examinations. As such the exact conditions of the certification are always determined individually based on the required documentation.
Please note that an application for a certificate can take from a few days to a few weeks to process.
Delivery of the documentation
If you order a TR certificate, you will receive a copy of it via email immediately upon our successful certification process. The original document will be delivered a few days later.