The conformity assessment of auto parts is a compulsory method of selecting, determining the characteristics, evaluating the compliance with the safety requirements of the technical regulation, which is aimed at reducing the number of factors that can lead to a car accident.
Russian and foreign importers who intend to import the car parts into the Russian Federation and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union must undergo the conformity assessment process. In most cases, it is not possible to import and manufacture auto spare parts without corresponding proof of conformity.
The infringements of the requirements of the technical regulation are generally punishable by sensitive measures.
Legal framework
Since January 1, 2015, the conformity of auto parts has to be confirmed according to the requirements of the Technical Regulation TR CU 018/2011 On safety of wheeled vehicles prior to placing the products on the market of Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union.
The Technical Regulation provides two forms of conformity assessment:
The form of conformity assessment is determined by the notified body after mutual discussion with the client.
Following safety-related auto parts are usually subject to EAC Certification:
- motors
- auto electric
- auto tires
- steering technology
- injection
- suspension
- silencer
- catalysts
The EAC Declaration is applied for:
- starter battery
- spark plugs etc.
Certification takes place according to various conformity assessment procedures depending on whether it is a serial production or a one-time delivery. The procedures for declaration and certification depend on the type of auto parts and their influence on the safety of the vehicle. Irrespective of the type of conformity assessment, all products are subject to tests in the notified bodies of the EAEU. Depending on the procedure, regular or unscheduled production controls may be carried out at the factory to check the production conditions.
In some cases, the entire product range of the manufacturer can be certified. The prerequisite is that all products have the same first four digits of the tariff number of the EAEU product classification.
The certification and declaration can only be applied for by an importer established in the Eurasian Economic Union. For this reason, an authorized representative within the EAEU is required.
Required documents
- detailed product description
- product name
- customs number
- technical drawings
- technical data sheet
- operation manual
- test reports
- certificates ISO, DIN, CE, CB if at hand
Processing time: 2 to 3 weeks
The conformity assessment is not required for used auto parts. In this case, you will need a negative certificate for the Customs Union which certifies that the imported goods are not part of the products subject to the compulsory declaration of conformity. The manufacturer can also voluntarily certify its products with the GOST certificate. The voluntary GOST certificate is a good way to convince customers of the quality of the products. Auto parts which are not subject to a compulsory EAC marking can still be voluntarily certified according to GOST standards.
The procedure of conformity assessment
The conformity assessment of auto parts according to the technical regulation TR CU 018/2011 can be carried out in the form of a declaration or certification. There are 11 different conformity assessment modules comprising the following steps:
- analysis of technical documentation
- conduction of examinations
- analysis of production
- check of the quality management system
- marking of products with the EAC marking
- control of certified products
After issuing the EAC Certificate, the details of the EAC certificate will be entered in the uniform state register ROSSSTANDART.
The certificate of conformity for serial production according to TR CU 018/2011 is issued for a maximum of four years.
Authorized representative
The manufacturer, which is not established in one of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union, is not entitled to apply for the conformity of auto parts with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011.
In order to be able to verify the conformity, the foreign producer must appoint an authorized representative in one of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union. This then represents the interest of the foreign producer in co-operation with the notified bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union regarding the safety and quality of products and compliance with technical regulations.
In accordance with applicable law and in accordance with the technical regulations of the Economic Union, only an entrepreneur residing in the territory of the customs union may be designated as an authorized representative.
Labelling requirement
Every vehicle or component which conformity with the requirements of the technical regulations TR CU 018/2011 On safety of wheeled vehicle has been confirmed and for which type-approval has been granted, an international approval mark shall be provided with ECE approval marking. The marking consists of a circle bearing the letter "E", the country code and the vehicle type-approval number.
The ECE marking is equivalent to the EAC one. This makes the marking of components with the EAC marking unnecessary.

Terms and costs of conformity assessment for the auto parts
The application for a conformity assessment for auto parts is a complex process, the costs of which are dependent on numerous factors.
Delivery of the documentation
If you order the EAC Certificate on Auto Parts, you will receive a copy of it via email immediately after our successful certification procedure. The original document and two certified copies will be sent by post.