Production facilities with increased risk must take necessary measures to ensure safety. Industrial safety serves to protect life, environment and property. The aim of industrial safety is to prevent accidents and minimize the consequences of accidents in hazardous production facilities.
Legal framework
Industrial safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan is regulated by law. The regulations on ensuring industrial safety for hazardous production enterprises have been included in the following laws:
- Decision of the Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2014 No. 343 (with amendments and additions as of october 20, 2017)
- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. 118 of April 11, 2014 “On Civil Protection” 2014
Industrial safety is guaranteed by the following:
- approval for use in hazardous production facilities of technical equipment and materials that meet the requirements
- declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
- expertise of industrial safety
Industrial safety expertise
Industrial safety expertise is the inspection of technical documentation, equipment, materials or buildings. The expertise is provided only for hazardous production equipment.
The result of the inspection of technical equipment is an expert opinion on industrial safety. The expert opinion defines the hazard class of the equipment.
If the equipment belongs to the category "Hazardous technical equipment", the expert opinion is used for issuing a permit for the use of technologies, technical equipment, substances in hazardous production facilities (Article 74 Law "On Civil Protection" of April 11, 2014 No. 188-V).
Permit to use
The permit to use is a document that confirms that the products mentioned in the certificate correspond to the safety requirements of Kazakhstan and that they can be used in Kazakhstan.
The permit is issued by the Committee of Operational Safety of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and regulated by the Law n. 118 of April 11, 2014 “On Civil protection”.
The permit enables use of specific technologies, technical equipment and materials in hazardous production facilities.
Scope of application
- production, use, processing, storage, transportation, destruction of the following substances: source of ionizing radiation; flammable substance; combustible substance; oxidizing agent; toxic substance
- production of melts from metal, rocks and other materials
- mining, including underground, drilling, geological exploration and work with explosives, mining of mineral raw materials
- equipment operating at positive pressure (above 0.07 MPa) or a a water temperature of 115 degrees Celsius and higher
- lifting cranes, escalators, cable cars, funiculars, elevators
Required documents

- technical description
- instruction manual
- technical passport
- technical drawing
- test report
- chemical composition and mechanical resistance of materials used in the manufacture of products
- data on welds and non-destructive testing methods (if available)
- certificates of conformity TR CU or GOST K
- expert opinion on industrial safety
Issuance and validity of the permit
On the basis of the technical documentation an industrial safety expertise is prepared. If technical devices and materials meet the requirements for industrial safety, the authority grants permission to use them.
If during operation it is discovered that the product no longer meets the requirements, the approval will be withdrawn.
The approval can only be granted again if the product can confirm its conformity to the technical regulations set by the Eurasian Economic Union or the national System GOST K. Some products or equipment have to be tested or inspected on site.
A foreign company can also apply for the permit.
The permit to use is published on the website of the responsible authority. The approval is not issued on paper, but just in electronic form.
The permit is issued for an indefinite period. This means that the document does not need to be renewed.
Duration and costs for industrial safety expertise
The duration and costs associated with an industrial safety expertise application depend on several different factors, such as the classification of the product, any required laboratory checks and the complexity of all examinations. As such the exact conditions are always determined individually based on the required documentation.
Please note that an application for an industrial safety expertise can take a few weeks.
Delivery of the documents
If you order an industrial safety expertise, you will receive a copy of it via email immediately upon our successful completion of the process. The original will be mailed to you a few days later.