Products placed on the Russian market are subject to compulsory conformity certification in the form of TR Certification or TR Declaration in accordance with the relevant Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation and must be marked with TR conformity marking. TR stands for Technical Regulation.
The TR conformity marking is necessary to inform consumers and regulatory authorities in Russia that the products have been properly tested and comply with the safety standards and national Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation.
The labeling of products subject to the mandatory TR Certification is a prerequisite for market approval. The sale of products without Russian TR marking is prohibited.
A uniform TR conformity marking was introduced in Russia regarding declared products that should replace the old Soviet GOST Marking and GOST Certification.
Legal situation
The TR marking was introduced by the decision of the Russian government № 696 "On the conformity mark on the Russian market" of November 19. The decision was adopted in the framework of the implementation of the reform of Technical Regulation in Russia in accordance with the Federal Law № 184 of the Russian Federation "On Technical Regulation".
TR marking may only be attached to the products which have undergone all the tests required by the relevant Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation. Only if the tests have been successfully completed, the products may be imported and marketed in Russia.
At the present time, in the course of the coordination of Technical Regulations in the Eurasian Economic Union, the TR marking has been largely replaced by the EAC marking.
Reform of the Technical Regulation within the Customs Union and EAEU
As a consequence of the coordination of national safety standards between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the previous national Technical Regulations such as Russian GOST and TR certification were gradually phased out and substituted by the new Technical Regulations of the EAEU (TR EAEU) in every industrial sector. In addition to the EAC certification, the EAC declaration has also been introduced in the Customs Union as a simpler and less expensive form of proof of conformity.
The new system was modelled on the european CE marking and many Technical Regulations are coordinated with EU guidelines. One can say that the Technical Regulations of the customs union correspond to the EU guidelines.
Similar to the CE symbol a uniform conformity marking was introduced. The symbol is comprised of three letter "EAC", an abbreviation for "EurAsian Conformity".
Currently due to the coordination of the Technical Regulations in the Eurasian Customs Union the TR marking has to a larg eextent been replaced by the EAC marking.
TR Marking
The TR marking represents a combination of the Cyrillic letters "T" with a dot on top and "P".
Unlike a GOST marking, the TR conformity mark does not provide information about the named notified body.
The TR marking can be done in any way that provides a sharp and long lasting picture on the product.
The TR marking can be applied with any color on contrasting surface.
The TR marking must be affixed to each individual production unit, packaging and accompanying documentation.
The misuse of the TR marking may have criminal consequences.