For certain products, the so-called fire safety certificate is required by the customs authorities for import into the Russian customs territory. The fire safety certificate is an official proof that confirms the conformity of the goods with the fire regulations. These are the resistance to fire and functional safety as well as the precautions against the formation of toxic gases.
The fire safety certificate requirement applies to both domestic products and products imported into Russia. The certification is carried out according to the regulations of the "Technical Rules". The fire safety certification is necessary for the import of certain types of goods to Russia and their distribution on the Russian market.
In Russia, the fire safety certification can be carried out both in the obligatory or voluntary way and in the form of the supplier declaration.
Legal framework
The basis for fire safety certification is built by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, especially by:
- The technical Regulation for fire safety no. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008
- The Decision no. 241 of March 17, 2099
- TR CU 043/2017 On requirements for fire retardants and fire-extinguishing systems, valid since January 1st, 2020
Application area
The fire safety certification is obliged for all products and products listed in the government directive of 17.03.2009 № 241. The regulation covers, inter alia, the following product groups:
- fire-fighting equipment, e.g. fire extinguishers, fire hoses, etc.
- building materials and materials, in particular insulation materials, claddings, floor coverings, etc.
- power cable
- gas heating systems
- paint and varnish products
- awning fabrics
- wallpapers
Certification process
The fire safety certification is carried out as follows:
- Step: Application to an accredited certification body in the EAEU
- Step: Examination of the documents by the certification body and selection of the scheme of EAC certification
- Step: Classification of the products and selection of samples
- Step: Tests and examinations
- Step: Manufacturing audit (if provided by the Technical Regulation)
- Step: Issuance of the EAC certificate
- Step: Surveillance of the certified products (if required)
Required documents

For the application for a fire safety certificate, the following documents must be submitted by the notified body:
- application for certification
- information about the manufacturer and his address
- detailed product description
- technical documentation, e.g. operating instructions, technical drawings, etc
- customs tariff number
- existing certificates
Depending on the type of goods that need to be certified, additional documents may be required.
Authorized representative
The manufacturer, which is not based in one of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, is not entitled to request the conformity assessment of pressure equipment and pressure vessels to comply with the requirements of TR CU 032/2013 On safety of pressure equipment.
In order to be able to carry out a conformity assessment, the foreign manufacturer must commission an authorized representative in one of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. This then represents the foreign manufacturer's interest in working with the certification bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union with regard to the safety and quality of products and compliance with technical regulations.
Terms and costs for certification
The terms and the costs associated with a certificate application, depend on several different factors, such as the classification of product, any required laboratory checks and complexity of all examinations. As such the exact conditions of the certification are always determined individually based on the required documentation.
Please note that an application for a fire safety certificate can take few days or weeks to process.
Please find detailed information about our prices for certifications here.
Delivery of the documentation
If you order a fire safety certificate, you will receive a copy of it via email immediately after our successful certification procedure. Alongside the original document and two certified copies of it by post, within a few days’ time of this.