On the 17th January, 2020 the decision of the Board of Directors of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) No. 9 was officially published and came into force, which approves the changes in the uniform list of goods for which within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union/Customs Union (EAEU/CU) Security requirements have been set.
The document was adopted a few days ago - on the 14th January , 2020 and for final approval It will be submitted to the EAEU-Council for review.
This is a revision of the list, which was adopted by decision of the EAEU-Council No. 526 of January 28, 2011. The current version of the document contains 66 articles from the most diverse product group:
- children's products
- machinery and equipment
- medication food
- weapons
- alcohol
- oil
- gas etc.
Now 67 positions have been approved, consolidating the group of nicotine-containing products, fillers for nicotine delivery systems, including nicotine-free products. After the adoption of the document by the EAEU-Council, the changes will come into force in one month.