The responsible bodies of the members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) held a working session on March 18, 2021. The main topic of the session was the transition to the electronic certificates of conformity.
Representatives of the responsible bodies pointed out the relevance and importance of the use of electronic EAC certificates and EAC declarations, especially during the pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic has helped realize the value of such a transition. Currently, digitization has become one of the most important trends.
During the session, the following advantages of the transition to digital document management in terms of conformity assessment were highlighted:
- Reduction of the risk of fraudulent activity with the certificates of conformity
- Reduction of the time and financial costs for market participants
- Increasing confidence in the reliability of the conformity assessment results
- Reduction of counterfeit products
The participants in the session emphasized that the transition to electronic certificates of conformity for all member countries of the EAEU should be smooth and synchronous. Otherwise, this can lead to the additional obstacles.
The transition to the electronic issuance of EAC certificates and EAC declarations began two years ago. An important step was the introduction of the changes in the EAEU Treaty of May 29, 2014 with regard to technical regulation. It allowed issuance of certificates of conformity in electronic and/or in paper form.