The russian Ministry of economic development has prepared a draft for the government of Russian Federation, in order to show how the maintenance of the register of issued EAC certifications and EAC declarations can be improved.
The objective of the improvements is to reduce the costs for the firms, eliminate excessive administrative expenses and increase transparency of conformity assessment procedures.
The draft recommends the creation of an uniform, open information resource on the basis of the information system of Rosakkreditazja (FSIS Rosaccreditation).
This should offer the possibility to gather, save and access information more easily. In order to guarantee free access to the data, all information and documents regarding the proof of conformity assessment shall be digitalized and signed in electronic form by the certification bodies.
There are expected huge changes regarding the surveillance activities. The draft suggests the possibility for the surveillance activity of being carried out by another certification body, which has to dispose of a similar scope of accreditation. The register shows clearly for which EAC certificates the surveillance of conformity has not been conducted in time.
Due to this transfer of functions the manufacturer is obliged to carry out a timely review.
Modifications regarding the transfer of competences for the new certification body that shall carry out surveillance activities can be found in the legislative proposal Nr. 658661-7, which is currently in the first reading of the State Duma (changes shall be submitted until June 12, 2020 for examination).
It shall be created an uniform, public information source that allows the registration, recording and accessibility of information of the register of issued certificates and declarations.
The coming into force is scheduled for January 1st, 2021.