For Russian and Eurasian legislation, the applicant for EAC certification and EAC declaration is a central figure who bears full responsibility for possible violations. When confirming the conformity of series production products, the applicant can only be the manufacturer or an authorized representative of the manufacturer.
EAC declaration
With the EAC declaration, the applicant is not only responsible for the safety of the products themselves, but also for the correctness of the entire procedure for confirming conformity: from the selection of samples to the registration of the EAC declaration.
The test laboratory also bears joint responsibility for the tests it carries out. However, the responsibility of the laboratory begins with an application for testing according to certain standards and methods. And the applicant selects these standards and methods. And also the required number of samples is selected by the applicant.
Changes sometimes occur in technical regulation and the applicant is also obliged to follow these changes. In some cases, the test laboratory is not aware of any changes and the applicant is also responsible for this.
EAC Certification
The certification body is responsible for the implementation of the certification procedure: for product identification, for the selection of samples and subsequent testing, for the analysis of the production status, for regular inspection control.
However, the applicant also has a number of obligations: to provide samples in a certain quantity, as well as certain technical documentation, to provide experts with access to production. The obligations also include compliance with the requirements of the certification body within a certain period of time.
Who is the Authorized Representative?
According to the Protocol on Technical Regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union (Appendix No. 9 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union):
The Authorized Representative - a legal or natural person duly registered by a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) who represents the (foreign) manufacturer on the basis of a contract in the conformity assessment and placing products on the common customs territory of the EAEU and for the manufacturer to take responsibility for compliance with Union quality and safety standards.
Requirements on the authorized representative
- The authorized representative must be registered in the territory of a member state of the EAEU
- A contract must be concluded between the manufacturer and the authorized representative for the implementation of the EAC certification or the EAC declaration
- An authorized representative assumes responsibility for compliance with the quality and safety standards
Contract of the Authorized Representative
Technical regulation stipulates that foreign manufacturers and applicants must sign a contract about the authorized representative. The contract is one of the most important documents required for issuing the EAC declaration and the EAC certificate. The contract means that the applicant takes full responsibility for the safety of the products.
The contract can be drawn up in the language of one of the member countries of the Customs Union or in two languages, including the language of the manufacturer and in Russian, Belarusian or Kazakh. It is certified by the seals and signatures of the manufacturer and the applicant and includes the following important points:
- Manufacturer and agent information
- Object of the contract
- Responsibilities of the representative
- Responsibility of the manufacturer
- Responsibility of the agent
Necessary measures to prevent violations
- Take responsibility for conducting attestation of compliance
- Communicate with all participants in the workflow and distribute responsibility evenly among participants
- Create a trusted workflow. Trust in your partners is one of the most important keys to success
Our services
We, Schmidt & Schmidt, have a branch in Russia and thus have the right to act as an authorized representative in accordance with the legislation of the Economic Union in the EAC conformity assessment. We are therefore responsible for the successful completion of the conformity assessment procedure. Working with us, you can be sure of receiving certificates of conformity quickly, as well as their quality.