Due to the Corona pandemy the demand for face masks has inscreased rapidly. On April 9, 2020 Rosstandart announced on his website the most important standards and requirements for face masks.
There are 3 types of masks:
- Medical masks
- Personal protective equipment
- Other types of breathing masks
Medical Masks must be produced according to GOST R 58396-2019. Masks of the second group instead underlie the EAC certification according to TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment. Crucial are the norms GOST 12.4.293-2015 /EN 136: 1998) and GOST 12.4.294-2015 (EN 149: 2001 + A1: 2009).
Other types of breathing masks, which are part of the third group are hygiene products do not underlie any uniform standard. The manufacturer often dedvelops his own technical speficiations (TU). In relation to the current situation some specific norms has been drawn up: TU 13.92.29-005-00302178-202 "hygienic face masks".
On April 17th the authority released explanations regarding the registration of face masks. Masks, which has been produced according to TU 13.92.29–005–00302178–2020, are not classified as personal protective equipment. Such face masks only serve for filtering air.
Therefore they do neither underlie TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment nor TR CU 017/2011 On safety of light industry products". Thus no EAC certificate or EAC declaration is required.