The draft of the amendments No. 1 of the Technical Regulation TR CU 034/2013 “On the safety of meat and meat products” was submitted for public discussion. The discussion began on May 12, 2021 and is expected to end on July 13. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration.
The document was drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. This establishes the limits of permissible deviations in the values of the nutrient content that are specified in the nutritional value on the labeling of the meat products.
Sections 17 and 106 in particular are listed in the new version. In section 17 it is pointed out that the actual indicators for fat and protein in meat products for baby food should not exceed the permissible values given in Appendix No. 4. In section 106 it was stipulated that, in accordance with the provisions of the new technical regulations, the following limit values for the actual values of the nutrient content should be given when providing information on the nutritional value of meat and slaughter products:
- no more than 120 percent of the value stated on the label for fat, carbohydrates and energy value
- 80 percent or more of the protein value stated on the label
The limits indicated above correspond to international standards. The proposed new provisions will make it possible to obtain reliable information on the content of fat, protein, carbohydrates and calories (energy value). It also solves the problem with the requirements for the identification of meat and slaughter products. With the old regulations, the variability of the products could not be taken into account. In addition, there is no way to strictly standardize the indicators of the chemical composition and working conditions of companies in this field.
The changes are expected to take effect 180 days after approval.