On September 24 the Federal Law of December 27, 2019 N 496-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law to ensure uniformity of measurements” comes into force. According to the changes in the current legislation on metrology, the registration of metrological certificates (pattern approval certificate) will be electronic now.
The electronic registration will be the only legally valid confirmation of the results of metrological certification. Without the transmission of information to the Federal Information Fund, the results are invalid. Certificates in paper form will be issued only upon request of the client.
The metrological approval is required for measuring equipment. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation no. 102 “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” of June 26, 2008, in many areas subject to state supervision, only certified and approved measuring instruments can be used.
These areas include:
- healthcare
- veterinary medicine
- occupational safety
- environmental protection
- defence industry
- operational safety (measuring instruments used in production plants with increased hazard)
- trade
- cartography and geodesy
Measuring equipment used in these areas is subject to obligatory regular supervision by the Russian Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Rosstandart.