The members of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union have a new version of the procedure for developing and adopting standards necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAEU. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products. The conformity assessment is demonstrated by EAC certification, EAC declaration or state registration.
The previous version of the procedure was accepted on October 18, 2016. Changes will be made in the updated procedure.
National standards are included in other standards, modified or canceled in agreement with the EAEU member states involved in the development of the technical regulations.
The draft lists of standards may include research and measurement techniques, information on which will be provided in Member States' national funds.
The validity of the standards included in the lists ends in the territories of the EAEU countries according to the national legislation only after the exclusion of these standards from the lists.
In certain cases, it is possible to make changes to lists of standards under an accelerated procedure (without public discussion and consultation), including when approving intergovernmental standards according to their development programs. This will accelerate the possibility of applying updated standards to implement the EAEU technical regulations.
Since access to the texts contained in the lists of research and measurement methods is difficult, Annex No. 2 has been developed, which specifies the procedure for granting access to them.
The directive of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union was also adopted, according to which the procedures contained in the lists of standards for the technical regulations of the EAEU are exempt from this if their copyright holders do not make these procedures accessible.