On July 30, 2021, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1265 "On Approval of Rules for Compulsory Conformity Assessment of Products" was published and came into force. It concerns the products listed in the first paragraph of Section 3 in are listed in Article 46 of the Federal Act "On Technical Regulations" of July 24, 2021.
These are the rules for the certificates of conformity of products included in the lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 of December 1, 2009 for the EAC certification and EAC declaration. The document contains the basic terms and definitions that are used in the conformity assessment of products, defines the group of applicants, their actions and responsibilities, functions and requirements for certification bodies and testing laboratories. The new rules actually bring the procedure for EAC certification and EAC declaration of products in the national system to a uniform form.
Requirements for the mandatory EAC certification and EAC declaration
The mandatory certification of products in accordance with national requirements is carried out according to the schemes set out in GOST R 53603-2020 “Conformity assessment. Scheme of EAC certification in the Russian Federation” are specified. When assessing the production status, the provisions of GOST R 55469-2020/ISO/IEC TR 17026: 2015 “Conformity assessment. Example of a certification system for tangible products. ”Must be taken into account by the certification bodies.
The EAC declaration of products is carried out according to the schemes, which are specified in GOST R 54008-2010 "Conformity assessment. Schemas of the EAC declaration" are specified.
Procedure for EAC certification
For the EAC certification, the application to the certification body is primarily required. The application can be made in the form of an electronic document via the Internet or in paper form (in person or by registered mail with a list of attachments and acknowledgment of receipt to the certification body).
The following information must be provided in the application:
- about the applicant
- about the manufacturer
- about the products
- about the conformity assessment scheme
- about the applied national standard (or its clauses, if the standard is not applied as a whole)
The new rules for the certification of products in the national system also include requirements for the specification of the global location number GLN if goods are outside the territory of the Russian Federation and the territory of the members of the Eurasian Economic Union, or information about the lack of information about such a number.
From September 1, 2021, a sub-clause will come into force that allows the specification of a different individual identifier (if there is no GLN number). This identifier must provide automatic identification of the location of the manufacturer of the products, the address of the place where activities for the manufacture of products are carried out. If no other identifier is available, the geographic coordinates determined from the signals of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS can be specified.
The documents must be submitted together with the application. The certification body has a maximum of 20 working days from receipt of the application to take into account the data received.
The procedure for issuing a certificate remains unchanged.
The procedure of the EAC declaration
In order to register an EAC declaration, the applicant submits the information to the registration service for EAC declarations. The necessary information is provided in accordance with the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 936 of June 19, 2021.
Period of validity of EAC certificates and EAC declarations
The period of validity of EAC certificates and EAC declarations begins with the date of the entry of the information about them in the register of EAC certificates and EAC declarations. For serial production, certificates of conformity are issued for a period of up to 5 years, unless otherwise specified in the national standard of the Russian Federation. For batches or individual deliveries of products, the period of validity of the certificate or the declaration of shelf life/service life, however, does not exceed 5 years. If the shelf life of the product is not determined, the certificate/declaration is valid for 1 year.
Marking of the products
Products that have passed the conformity assessment within the framework of the requirements of national standards are marked with the TR conformity mark instead of the GOST conformity mark.
Duration of the new rules
The new rules have a limited term: until July 30, 2027.