In the course of the implementation of the federal law No. 162-FZ "About standardization in the Russian Federation" on July 5, 2016, the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Rosstandart № 795 "On the authorization of the portrayal and the description of the GOST Marking of the national system of standardization" for the marking of products that meet the requirements of the Russian GOST standards has been published.
The law № 162-FZ has entered fully into force on July 1, 2016. This law is orientented towards the improvement of the national system of standardization GOST. In consequence of the law's entry into force, the compliance with requirements of the GOST Standards has become a precondition for the participation in the award of state and municipal procurement. Thereby, the GOST Certificiation of products compulsory for future participation in tender.
Furthermore, along with the law's entry into force a new GOST Marking has been introduced.
The new GOST Marking resembles the already existing GOST Marking and is composed of the cyrillic letters "P", "T" and "C" in an oval.
The GOST marking has to be affixed to the technical documentation or the product itself.
Below the marking the applied GOST standard has to be entered in bold "Helvetica" font (for instance: ГОСТ Р МЭК 61951-2-2007).
If several GOST standards have been applied for the conformity assessement of a product, for every norm, a marking has to be affixed.
The document will come into force on July 16, 2016.