The member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan) have decided to develop new requirements for toys that may affect the mental development of children.
Experts note that there is a wide variety of toys on the market, often with a frightening appearance, signs of violence, a hybrid look, etc. According to some psychologists, such toys can lead to aggression and cruelty in children, among other things.
As colleagues from Kazakhstan said, it is necessary to develop standards to establish criteria for the negative impact of such toys on a child's psyche, so that psychological and pedagogical expertise on toys can be included in technical regulations.
According to the current status of the technical regulation TR ZU 008/2011 On the safety of toys, products are tested for compliance with toxicological-hygienic and microbiological indicators, physical and mechanical, chemical and electrical properties, as well as radiation safety.