Amendments to Resolution of April 18, 2018 No. 44 “On Standard Conformity Assessment Systems” were prepared by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission. This proposes to approve temporary measures (for a period of one year) to streamline the procedures for assessing compliance with requirements of technical regulations.
Among the measures are the following:
- Recognition of test reports international accreditation and certification systems for technically complex products necessary for the implementation of priority projects, the organization of new production lines, the implementation of infrastructure projects
- Online analysis of production status, identification and selection of samples
- Periodic evaluation of certified products by reviewing the production status or testing the products
- Selection of product samples from previously released product batches, including from retail chains (if released no earlier than 1 year prior to the date of selection)
- Application of a certification scheme with issuance of a certificate for the duration of the contract (up to 3 years) for products delivered in batches under the contract. Regular assessment once a year is required
- Movement of period of periodic review of products by 6 months
- Use of the test results of a batch of products / a single product for subsequent batches / single products if an EAC certificate has been issued for them or an EAC declaration is registered and if no more than 1 year has passed since the date of issue of the test report
- Extend the validity of a previously issued Certificate of Conformity by up to 12 months if it expires before September 1, 2022 (provided there are no violations and no changes to mandatory product requirements)
If the draft temporary optimization measures are approved, the temporary measures implemented in relation to COVID-19 will become invalid.