More than 1.2 million documents have undergone consular legalization in Cuba in 2024. This is an important historical milestone, says the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, writes the publication CubaHeadlines.
At the same time, opposition representatives criticize the diplomat, claiming that records in the area of consular legalization indicate that people are leaving Cuba in search of better opportunities for self-realization.
Parrilla himself points out that the authorities of the Republic are trying to make life easier for ordinary Cubans and recalls the reduction of the maximum period of consular legalization to 10 days since May of this year. According to him, such results were achieved thanks to the coordinated efforts of all agencies involved in the legalization process. Before this, due to the high demand for the service of consular legalization of documents, there were significant delays in its implementation.
Now, according to CubaHeadlines, the authorities of the Republic are discussing the prospect of its accession to the Apostille Convention. According to experts, this will allow for the simplified legalization of about 60% of documents.
An apostille is an international standardized form of filling in information about the legality of a document for presentation in the territory of states and countries that recognize this form of legalization. If an apostille is placed on a "paper" document, it is usually a special stamp. It is placed on the back of the document or on a special sheet sewn to it.
What is an apostille?
What is an apostille? Why do I need an apostille? How do I get an apostille? - Our video will explain everything you need to know about the apostille. If you have a document that needs to be certified with an apostille for use abroad, Schmidt and Schmidt will assist you! We provide apostille services in more than 100 countries worldwide.