Electronic signatures for document exchange between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will receive unified verification. This is reported by 'Vedomosti'
Which information systems will enable the implementation of digital document flow?
To date, each of the EAEU member states has its own requirements and developments in the field of electronic signatures. Until now, digital document exchange between the participants of the union did not have official status, but now it is expected to gain legal force. This is indicated by the draft government decrees developed by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media.
The agency has already submitted two regulations for public discussion: one about the state information system (GIS) 'Integration Gateway' (IG) and the other about the GIS 'Trusted Third Party' (TTP) of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU IIS).
The 'Integration Gateway' is intended to become a channel through which data will be transmitted on request from Russian authorized structures to other EAEU members and vice versa.
The 'Trusted Third Party' information system is used to verify the authenticity of foreign digital signatures, through which other EAEU members confirm certain information.
The EAEU IIS provides the participants of the international union with the opportunity to exchange data in the areas of customs regulation, veterinary and phytosanitary control, and the circulation of pharmaceutical products.
What risks are associated with the implementation of electronic document flow?
Vedomosti, citing industry experts, reports that the TTP GIS 'checks the validity of a foreign electronic signature and, as a result, the legal significance of the information in the document.'
To date, the Eurasian Economic Union is approaching full electronic interstate interaction. The main issue lies in the conditions each country sets for the certification centers that issue digital signatures. Due to different standards, an electronic signature placed in one country may not be accepted in another. Now, EAEU members will need to work together to resolve the issues of recognizing digital signatures.
In the case of the Russian Federation, the situation is further complicated by the use of national cryptographic standards, which are incompatible with the standards of other countries.
"Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan, like Russia, are working on creating their national segments of the integrated system," writes Vedomosti.
EAEU members have already conducted trial work on using the TTP GIS in international digital document exchange. In particular, such a project was implemented by Belarus and Kazakhstan. Apparently, this experience was deemed successful. However, according to experts, the relevant authorities will need to carry out a huge amount of work to fully resolve the issue.
"One should not exclude the cybersecurity risks, which are characteristic of any government information system, so cooperation between cybersecurity departments at the international level is necessary," summarize Vedomosti.
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