On November 24, 2021, the information about the decision of the Board of Directors was updated on the official website of the Eurasian Economic Commission. It changes the list of products for which, in addition to the customs declaration, a confirmation of conformity (e.g. an EAC certificate or an EAC declaration) according to the technical regulation TR CU “On safety of machinery and equipment” must be attached.
The update of the list is connected with the need to bring the HS-Codes of the products in line with the new edition of the nomenclature of HS-Codes, which will be applied from January 1, 2022. The updated list itself will also take effect from the new year.
The customs tariff numbers are updated for the following product groups:
- Garage equipment for vehicles and trailers
- Equipment for excavation, cleaning and fastening of mines (mechanized complexes, clippers, pneumatic tools)
- Equipment for mining and mining transport (shearers, mechanized equipment, shield support, pneumatic tools)
- Equipment for transport in the shaft
- Oil and Gas Processing Plants, Chemical Equipment
- Gas cleaning systems and dust filters
- Paper machines
- Lacquer equipment
- Industrial tractors
- Technological equipment for logging, lumber yards and rafting
- Plants for the peat industry
- Air heater and air cooler
- Equipment for the glass, porcelain, earthenware and cable industries
An EAC certificate should be provided for the first three of the listed products. For everyone else, there is the option of registering an EAC declaration or issuing an EAC certificate.