Since June 2020 around 250 russian and interstate norms have become effective. It involves those standards that contain requirements for electrical control devices of the automatic kind. The area of explosive atmospheres as well as methods for examining the effect of chemical products on the human body are also included.
GOST R 58702-2019 “Climbing frames. Safety requirements and test methods”, GOST 34594.1-2019 “Electromagnetic compatibility”, “Smart city” and GOST R 54100-2019 “Power engineering based on using the renewable energy sources. Main provisions for standardization” have come into force.
Standards in the metallurgical, oil and gas, instrumentation, food and construction industries have also been approved. GOSTs play a special role in the identification of T-2 toxins in specific foods. Attention is paid to methods for the determination of proanthocyanidins in specific foods and food supplements. In addition, the terminological, organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of vegetable oil are taken into account by the new standards.