On June 21, 2021, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 935 of June 19, 2021 was published and came into force immediately. The document changes the procedure for establishing and maintaining a unified register of certificates of conformity, for providing information contained in the specified register, and for paying for the provision of that information. The document is valid until June 21, 2027.
The document now sets out the provision for the creation and maintenance of a register not only of issued EAC certificates, but also of registered EAC declarations. Resolution No. 935 applies to EAC certificates and EAC declarations that were issued before the entry into force of the document (before June 21, 2021).
Maximum number of certificates issued by the certification body
The document stipulates the maximum number of certificates issued by the certification body. The new Section II is added, which defines the rules for determining the maximum number of certificates of conformity issued by the certification body.
The maximum number of certificates of conformity issued by a certification body depends on the following indicators:
- number of auditors who are involved in the implementation of the confirmation of conformity in the certification body
- procedures, the results of which are valid as evidence in the context of certification
- other indicators that can influence the reliability and objectivity of the results of the certification process
On the basis of the listed parameters, the Rosaccreditation approves the methodology for calculating the maximum number of certificates of conformity issued by the certification body and the technological support of such a procedure.
Before the new rules for calculating the maximum scope of the certificates of conformity issued by certification bodies come into force, the Rosaccreditation defines these as the average number of certificates issued for certification bodies with a similar scope of accreditation, the number of employees who are involved in carrying out the work on the confirmation of conformity, and the technical equipment for the period (month, quarter, half-year or calendar year).
Mandatory information from the certification body
Mandatory information from the certification body for publication in the registers has been added. The regulation has been supplemented by a new clause 181, which establishes the obligation of the certification body, accreditation of which is suspended/ scope of accreditation of which is reduced. This means that the information about the concluded agreement with another accredited certification body about the transfer of the certificate of conformity for series production must be entered in the register. Enclosing a scanned copy of the contract is required. This must be done within 1 working day after the conclusion of the contract. The amendments come into force on August 1st, 2021.
Status of EAC certificates and EAC declarations
EAC certificates and EAC declarations, the details of which are entered in the register, automatically receive the following status:
- valid
- suspended
- revoked
- archived
With the Decision No. 935 a new status "invalid" was added. The status applies from the time such a decision is entered in the register and applies for the period from the date of the entry of information about the certificate or the entry of an EAC declaration in the register. This status applies until the information is automatically transferred to the archive section.
Required information for issuing an EAC certificate
In section 17, new paragraphs on the GLN number are added: in addition to this number, another identifier can be specified that automatically determines the location of the manufacturer of the product, address (addresses) of the place (places) where activities related to the manufacture of products are carried out . In addition, it is also possible to provide data via the GLONASS system.
The provisions on the GLN number come into force on September 1, 2021.
Mandatory information for registering an EAC declaration
The regulation has been supplemented with a new section 171, which contains information on the EAC declarations entered in the register in electronic form. Mainly the information on the GLN number is clarified. With regard to the GLN number, changes similar to those for the EAC certificates have been introduced.