One mesage was posted on the Rosaccreditation website on November 17, 2021. This communicated that it is currently possible to transfer the EAC certificate to another certification body.
When might it be necessary to transfer the EAC certificate to a new certification body?
The transfer of the EAC certificate to another certification body will be required upon release of the series production products if the accreditation of the certification body is terminated (or the scope of the accreditation is limited). For this purpose, a contract is concluded with the new certification body. This possibility is enshrined in Article 25, paragraph 2.2, of Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002.
It should be noted that a contract can only be concluded with a certification body accredited in the national accreditation system with the scope of accreditation valid at the time the EAC certificate is transferred. The transfer of the EAC certificate to a new certification body makes it possible to carry out the necessary periodic assessment of certified products - inspection control.
Requirements for the mandatory transmission of information in the country information service of the pink accreditation
The certification body whose accreditation has ended must enter information about the agreement concluded with another certification body on the transfer of an EAC certificate for serial production (an agreement between the applicant and the new certification body) in the register.
In this case, a scanned copy of the contract must be attached. The certification body has one working day from the conclusion of the contract for this. Such a requirement was issued by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1856 of November 18, 2020. In addition, from July 1, 2021, the requirements of paragraphs of Clause 2 of Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 704 of October 24, 2020, according to which accredited certification bodies shall provide information on the transfer / receipt of functions for conducting inspection control for present products. The date, number and scan copy of the contract with the applicant are necessarily indicated.
Transfer of documents
The transfer of documents required for EAC certification from one certification body to another is documented by issuing an acceptance certificate. These documents include the following: an application for certification, a sample report, test results for samples and a decision to issue an EAC certificate.