Schmidt & Schmidt offers financial statements from Ukraine in electronic form and their translations into English.
According to law, all commercial companies operating in Ukraine must submit annual financial statements. These data are reported in electronic form. Depending on the company’s revenue and number of employees, the law requires different amounts of data to be published.
Reporting of financial statements in Ukraine is subject to the Accounting Act and other regulations.
Depending on the company type, either the IFRS or national accounting standards are used. Companies using the IFRS submit their financial statements in full form.
In Ukraine, annual financial statements must be filed to state statistics service or to the state tax service until 28th February and 1st March of the following year respectively. Delayed filing of financial statements is punishable.
All companies registered in Ukraine are obliged to file financial statements.
Financial statements of micro-sized companies (with income up to 2 million EUR and average number of employees up to 10) include:
- Balance sheet in a simplified form
- Profit and loss report in a simplified form
Financial statements of small companies (with income up to 10 million EUR and average number of employees up to 50) include:
- Balance sheet
- Profit and loss report
Financial statements of medium-sized and large companies (with income over 10 million EUR and average number of employees over 50) include:
- Balance sheet
- Profit and loss report
- Cash flow statement
- Equity statement
- Notes
Publicly available are financial statements of the following company types:
- Public joint-stock companies
- Issuers of securities allowed to participate in stock exchange
- Banks
- Insurance companies
- Private pension funds
- Natural monopoly holders
Mining companies extracting natural resources of nationwide importance
These companies publish their financial statements in special editions or online.
For other company types, there is a conflict of law. According to some Ukrainian laws, their financial statements are public, according to other laws they are confidential. Obtaining their financial statements requires a complicated procedure including sending of an attorney’s letter and confirmation of legal interest. Registers for financial statements of such companies are not available online.
Financial statements provide detailed information about a company’s financial state, solvency and performance of an enterprise.
Depending on the size of the enterprise, its financial statement can contain up to several hundred pages.
Financial statements can provide valuable information about potential business partner which can be used for making decisions like purchasing capital shares or goods or taking legal action to collect debts.
To obtain financial statements of a specific enterprise, its name or its registration number are required.
Financial statements are provided in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and legal requirements on personal data protection.
On our website, you can make a preliminary request if a certain company’s financial statements are obtainable.
Service | Price incl. German VAT 19% | Price excl. VAT |
Price for a financial statement from Ukraine | from 23,80 € | from 20,00 € |
Price for the translation of a financial statement from Ukraine | from 41,65 € | from 35,00 € |