On June 27, 2018, new product types have been added to the harmonised list of Russian products subject to GOST-R certification.
The list includes now:
- radiators and sectional radiators (of cast iron, steel, bimetal, aluminium and other materials)
- convector heaters (of cast iron, steel and other materials)
The certification has to be made in order to assess the compliance with GOST 31311-2005 "Heaters. General specifications".
The conformity assessment of heaters and convectors will be implemented according to GOST-R 58065-2018.
The national norm has been approved by the Federal Agentur for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Russian Federation (Rosstandart) and has entered into force on March 1, 2018.
All appliances placed on the market before June 27, 2018, are not concerned by the new regulation.