A further transformation has taken place in the field of technical regulation. The Council of the Eurasian Economic Union considered a number of issues related to the technical regulation for natural gas, approved and adopted a plan for the development of intergovernmental standards for it. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration.
The Technical Regulation TR EAEU 046/2018 On safety of natural gas prepared for transportation and use came into force at the beginning of 2022. The normative law includes not only combustible natural gas, but also other types, in particular, natural gas for industrial purposes, as well as for domestic needs.
The technical regulation TR EAEU 046/2018 stipulates that the conformity of products must be confirmed by an EAC declaration.
The newly approved program for the development of a set of standards for the technical regulation TR EAEU 046/2018 includes the creation of 18 GOSTs. They have to be developed in two years. The creation of two GOSTs is entrusted to the specialists of Kazakhstan. Russia is responsible for compiling the remaining 16 standards.
The need to create new GOSTs is justified by the need to achieve consistency in the documentation of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and update their provisions in relation to the built-in system of technical terms and current measurement methods.
A separate group of standards, which included in their content the procedure and methods of experimental work, the algorithm for selecting samples, is a set of national standards. They were approved before TR EAEU 046/2018 came into force. For this reason, it was necessary to check their relevance, harmonize them with the technical regulations and bring them into line with the document.