On the 22th January,2020 the Government of Russia signed a decision amending a previous decision specifying the supervisory authorities responsible for complying with the EAEU's technical regulations.
The first correction concerns the division of powers between two authorities: Rosstandart and Rospotrebnadzor:
- TR CU 004/2011 "On safety of low-voltage equipment"
- TR EAEU 037/2016 "On restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment"
Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for the control of goods that are sold exclusively for personal, family, private and other consumer needs, that are not related to business activities.
Rosstandart monitors goods that are not manufactured for the needs of consumers.
In addition, under the supervision of Rosstandart, goods have been added that relate to two technical regulations:
State control over compliance with the requirements of the "gas" regulations begins after the entry into force (January 1, 2022).