Draft changes to the Technical Regulation TR CU 019/2011 "TR CU 019/2011 On safety of personal protective equipment" were published on the website of the Eurasian Economic Union in relation to the creation of forms, schemes and procedures for the conformity assessment (in the form of e.g. an EAC certificate or an EAC declaration).
With the changes to the technical regulation, the following detailed conformity assessment procedures are introduced:
- Analysis of evidence
- Production Analysis
- Identification and selection of samples
- Issue, suspension, invalidation of certificates of conformity
The changes also affect the requirements for the documents submitted by the applicant.
Schemes 5c and 6c of EAC certification
The EAC certification schemes 5c and 6c are replaced by schemes 7c and 8c respectively. As in the current version of the technical regulation, certification is carried out according to the following schemes: 1c (for series production), 3c (for a batch delivery), 4c (for a single delivery).
Scheme 7c is introduced instead of scheme 5c for series production. Scheme 8c is introduced instead of scheme 6c for series production (if the manufacturer has an implemented management system certified by a management system certification body).
Accompanying documents
EAC declaration
- Copies of applicant's registration documents (name, mailing address, state registration information) are not required to be provided. It is only necessary to enter information about the registration number or any other number (individual number, identification number) of the applicant
- A contract with the manufacturer (including with a foreign manufacturer) is added
EAC Certification
- Information on protection properties has been added (in addition to information on protection class)
- Information on the type of packaging of personal protective equipment has been removed
- The marking must contain a description of the symbols, signs, pictograms and other symbols, including the protective properties, that appear on the personal protective equipment, packaging and contained in the instructions for use
Documents on paper or electronic media may be designed for both the EAC certificate and the EAC declaration.
Photographs and video recordings as mandatory evidence
Among other obligations of the applicant, it is pointed out that the evidence, which the applicant forms and retains, must include photo and/or video recordings of the process and the results of the tests of products that confirm the conformity of the personal protective equipment.
Use of test reports
The test reports may be used to register an EAC declaration, if no more than 2 years have passed since the test report was registered.
Analysis of the production status
During the period of validity of the EAC certificate, the certification body carries out a regular assessment of certified personal protective equipment (schemes 1c, 7c and 8c) once a year using samples of the personal protective equipment in an accredited test laboratory (schemes 1c, 7c and 8c) and/or by analyzing the production status (Schemes 1c and 7c).
In case of negative results of the periodic assessment of certified personal protective equipment, the certification body makes one of the following decisions:
- Suspend the validity of the EAC certificate
- Revoke the validity of the EAC certificate as invalid
Other changes
Persons performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer are excluded from the list of bodies performing identification of personal protective equipment.
The discussion will last 60 days, from May 1st to June 30th, 2022.