Schmidt & Schmidt offers financial statements from Kyrgyzstan in electronic form and their translations into English.
According to law, most companies in Kyrgyzstan must submit annual financial statements.
Reporting of financial statements in the Kyrgyzstan is subject to the Stock Market Act, Accounting Act and other regulations.
In Kyrgyzstan, the IFRS are used. A gradual conversion to them took place from 2003 to 2006.
Financial statements must be filed within 60 days after the end of the financial year to both founders and owners of the property and to state authorities like tax service or state service for financial supervision.
In addition, companies participating in stock exchange must file their financial quarterly and annual financial statements to the stock exchange.
Annual financial statement includes:
- Balance sheet
- Profit and loss report
- Auditor’s report
- Notes
Financial statements provide detailed information about a company’s financial state, solvency and performance of an enterprise.
Depending on the size of the enterprise, its financial statement can contain up to several hundred pages.
Financial statements can be obtained from specialized media. Financial statements of companies participating in stock exchange can also be obtained with the online service of the stock market.
Financial statements can provide valuable information about potential business partner which can be used for making decisions like purchasing capital shares or goods or taking legal action to collect debts.
To obtain financial statements of a specific enterprise, its full name in Russian or Kyrgyz language, registered office address and registration number are required.
Financial statements are provided in accordance with the Kyrgyz legislation and legal requirements on personal data protection.
Requests are proceeded within one working day.
On our website, you can make a preliminary request if a certain company’s financial statements are obtainable.
Financial statement from Kyrgyzstan: 60 EUR
Translation of a financial statement into English: from 35 EUR
What are financial statements?
In our video, we explain the definition and function of financial statements and how you can verify the reliability and solvency of your foreign business partner.
Should you wish to check the sincerity of your foreign business partner’s request, Schmidt & Schmidt will gladly assist you.
We offer annual financial statements from more than 100 countries all around the globe.