The Government of Canada has announced that starting from the January 11. 2024 official documents in Canada will be subject to apostille. On this date the 5 October 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (also known as the Apostille Convention), will come into force for Canada. The National Law Review has published the relevant article with reference to the country's government.
Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan will independently apostille documents issued in their territories. Apostilles for the documents issued in the other provinces, territories or under the jurisdiction of the central government will be issued by Global Affairs Canada.
On May 12, 2023, the authorities of Canada officially submitted the documents for deposit with the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) regarding their accession to the Convention. Until now, a complex multi-stage consular legalization procedure was required to legalize documents issued by official authorities in Canada, or for foreign documents to be used in Canada.
Apostille is an internationally standardized form that contains information about the legality of a document and is provided in the form of a special stamp on a paper carrier or a digital mark. Apostille stamp is placed on originals and copies of documents. Apostille does not require any other certification or legalization of the document and is recognized by the public authorities of all States Parties to the Convention. Sometimes apostille may not be used if there are any other legal grounds that cancel or simplify the legalization of a document.
Experts at The National Law Review note that joining the Apostille Convention was part of official Ottawa's efforts to make it easier to do business in the country. The innovation will allow Canadian citizens to save time and money, and will also make the process of legalizing documents for their use abroad much easier.
What is an apostille?
What is an apostille? Why do I need an apostille? How do I get an apostille? - Our video will explain everything you need to know about the apostille. If you have a document that needs to be certified with an apostille for use abroad, Schmidt & Schmidt will assist you! We provide apostille services in more than 100 countries worldwide.
How can we help?
If you are outside of Canada, we are happy to assist you with apostille and legalization of your documents for use abroad.
You can always contact Schmidt & Schmidt, we have great experience in legalizing of different kind of documents and provide all the services you need, including notarized copies, translations, preparation of necessary powers of attorney, legalization of documents at government authorities and consulates of foreign countries, and also delivery of documents almost all other the world.
You can read more about the procedure of legalization and apostilization on our website.