Regulation No 2024/2465 has been published in the Official Journal of the EU , which publishes the Union's regulations. This document includes a list of state bodies responsible for all sanctions-related issues in individual EU Member States. The relevant structures are vested with powers to manage, consult and issue the necessary permits.
The list of bodies responsible for sanctions is as follows:
- Belgium - Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation;
- Bulgaria - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Czech Republic - Financial Analysis Authority;
- Denmark - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Germany - Financial Sanctions Service Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank (for financial matters) and the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (for goods, services and investments);
- Estonia - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;т
- Ireland - Department of Foreign Affairs;
- Greece - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Spain - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation;
- France - Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs;
- Croatia - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs;
- Italy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;
- Cyprus - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Latvia - Financial Intelligence Unit;
- Lithuania - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Luxembourg - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Cooperation and Foreign Trade;
- Hungary - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
- Malta - Sanctions Monitoring Board;
- Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Austria - Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Labour and Economy, Ministry of Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Justice;
- Poland - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Portugal - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Romania - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Slovenia - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs;
- Slovakia - Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs;
- Finland - Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Sweden - Ministry of Foreign Affairs.