Calling the situation around the publication of the so-called "Pandora's Dossier", McFadden said that a special bill on the registration of foreign legal entities should be submitted to parliament next month, which, among other things, provides for the creation of a special database on property rights in the UK.
McFadden stressed that the UK should not become a "convenient home for illegal financing." In his opinion, in addition to the adoption of a new law on the registration of foreign legal entities, the British authorities should also reform the system for keeping commercial companies reporting on their activities. The shadow secretary of the Treasury demands to make impossible a situation in which "opaque" structures operate in the UK using gasket firms.
The Laborites themselves, according to McFadden, should create a special group to counter illegal financing in order to "make the UK the most inconvenient place for laundering the proceeds of robbery and kleptocracy."
“Using the UK as a place to store or launder dirty money is not just a matter of financial regulation or tax revenues, it is a national security issue,” McFadden said.
In his opinion, the scale of the financial services industry existing in the UK imposes a special responsibility on official London.
He believes that the UK has a responsibility to set financial standards that would set an example for other countries. Shortly before this, she appealed to British Prime Minister Boris
Johnson is a cross-party parliamentary group. The National Crime Agency estimates that the British economy loses about £ 100 billion annually to money laundering.