The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation elaborates a bill that is supposed to change the Law on Veterinary.
The amendments stipulate that products for personal use imported from other countries (not members of the EAEU) that will be found in hand baggage, baggage or mail item will be destroyed. There will be some exceptions. Firstly, the products with a permit or a veterinary certificate. Secondly, the finished products of animal origin in the original packaging weighing no more than 5 kilograms per person (but only if they were made in a country with a good sanitary and veterinary safety). The products of animal origin include, in particular, meat, sausages, fish, cheese, dairy products.
Commercial import of meat and dairy products in Russia has been limited since 2014: the ban refers to deliveries from countries that imposed sanctions against Russia. For personal use, you can now import up to 5 kilograms of animal products in their original packaging.
It is also proposed to organize the disinfection checkpoints across the state border to prevent the spread of the contagious animal diseases in the Russian Federation from neighboring countries.
In addition, some Russian producers also advocate a ban for Russian citizens to import meat and dairy products. The National Meat Association supports the ban, claiming that the actions of citizens increase the risks of importing infectious agents from other countries. First of all, we are talking about African swine fever (ASF): it is not dangerous for humans, but it spreads through human contact and food waste.