Towards the end of 2018, the Eurasian Economic Commission has issued new standards for all wheeled vehicles and their respective components. These Rules came into force on January 27, 2019. The new standards complement the provisions of the Technical Regulation TR CU 018/2011 „On safety of wheeled vehicles“. Some of the of new standards will only apply until April 1, 2019, others until December 31, 2019.
The Standards include general requirements for the safety of wheeled vehicles and their components. Additionally, these standards affect the following goods:
- Electrical equipment
- Global Navigation Satellity Systems
- Shock absorbers
- Pumps
- Tyres
- Motors
Besides that, specific rules and methods for the testing of products, as well as guidelines for the selection of product samples have been determined. Please be aware, that any standards issued prior to these no longer apply.