Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia together with Rossakkreditazija have elaborated special recommendations due to the difficult epidemiological situation related with the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19).
The recommendations mainly relate to countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation with regard to COVID-19. The authorities decided to postpone manufacturing audits and inspektion controls for an EAC Certification.
Here are the key points:
- Certification for new products: it is recommended to completely suspend all work on the certification of products for series production. The certification can be carried out for a contract-bound batch or one-time delivery. These schemes of certification 3c and 4c do not require a manufacturing audit.
- Certificates for series production that are about to expire: new series production certificates may be issued based on the positive results of the last inspection control. The new inspection control should be carried out no later than 3 months after cancelling of the entry ban to the respective country.
- The scheduled inspection control for the applicable certificates can be postponed to a maximum of 6 months. The manufacturer must confirm to the notified body in writing that technological processes in product manufacture and the technical documentation have not been changed
- Manufacturing audit and inspection controls are to be suspended until further notice.
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