On September 24, 2021, the regulation of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 143 of September 21, 2021 was published and came into force. This approved a new procedure for the import into the customs area of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) of products that are subject to a mandatory conformity assessment (e.g. EAC Certification, EAC declaration, state hygienic registration).
The updated procedure replaces the procedure adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 294 of December 25, 2012.
The new procedure specifies the provisions on the requirements for the import of products into the EAEU area. Provisions have been added that stipulate the obligation to comply with technical regulations in relation to products, compliance with which is confirmed in the form of a state registration or a veterinary and sanitary examination.
Mandatory confirmation of conformity of products according to the requirements of the EAEU
The products are subject to the mandatory confirmation of conformity in accordance with the specified requirements of the EAEU in the following cases:
- if imported products are listed in the lists of goods that are subject to a mandatory conformity assessment with the requirements of the technical regulations of the EAEU
- if imported products are listed in the uniform list of goods (approved by the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 526 of January 28, 2011) for which requirements are specified in the framework of the legal provisions of the EAEU member states
Types of documents attesting the conformity of products
In the updated procedure there is a division into 2 groups of such documents:
- The confirmation of conformity provided by the TR EAEU: EAC certificate, EAC declaration, certificate of the classification of a small ship, certificate of state registration, a vehicle type approval or another certificate provided by the technical regulations.
- The confirmation of conformity in accordance with the legal provisions of a member state of the EAEU, in whose territory products that are subject to an obligatory conformity assessment are transferred to a customs procedure: EAC certificate or EAC declaration, which must be issued in a uniform form (applies to products that are subject to an obligatory conformity assessment and have been included in a list adopted by Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 620 of April 7, 2011).
When is a confirmation of conformity not required?
The import of products without a certificate of conformity is possible if the following products are concerned:
- Product samples, provided that the applicant has an agreement with the certification body / testing laboratory or a letter confirming the number of imported product samples required for these purposes
- Product samples for round robin tests, checking or calibration of measuring devices, comparison of standards, provided that the applicant has a corresponding contract
- Product samples imported in the quantity, weight or volume prescribed by the transaction (provided the applicant has a document confirming the transaction. If it is not a transaction then ownership, use and / or the right of disposal are confirmed), for use for the purpose of carrying out research and development work, for representative purposes as souvenirs or advertising material
- Spare parts for the maintenance and / or repair of finished products (including individual parts intended to replace / repair the same parts in order to maintain or restore the working condition of the product, without the purpose of dissemination in the territory of the EAEU in the course of commercial activities)
- Components, raw materials and / or materials for the manufacture of products in the EAEU area that are imported exclusively for the purposes of the applicant
- Goods that are imported into the territory of the EAEU for diplomatic missions, consulates etc.
- Humanitarian and technical assistance introduced in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Member State
- Goods necessary for the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and man-made emergencies, confirmed by submission to the customs authorities of a written confirmation from the State authority of the Member State authorized in this field
- Used products (unless otherwise specified in the technical regulations)
- A copy of piece goods or a set of elements of a piece goods that are compatible and have a purpose for the production of a single copy thereof, which are imported in accordance with the transaction and used for purposes that are free of charge in the territory of the EAEU in the context of commercial activities or exclude against reimbursement
To confirm these intentions, the applicant sends a message to the customs authorities in the form of an electronic document certified by an electronic signature or a paper document certified by the signature and seal of the declarant.