The Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission has adopted the technical regulation TR EAEU "On the safety of products for civil protection and protection against natural and man-made emergencies". The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration.
This technical set of rules will apply to technical protective equipment for civil defense, communication and reporting points, rescue equipment and technical means for monitoring emergency situations.
The following situations are taken into account in the technical regulations:
- Injury and death of people in the protective structures of civil defense
- Injury and death of people when using civil defense products
- Failure of rescue equipment and data transmission equipment in emergency situations
- Errors and unreliability of the technical means for monitoring emergency situations
- Risk of delay or disruption of emergency notification and information to authorities and the public
The basis of standards that ensure compliance with the requirements of the new technical regulations is largely compiled. In the area of civil and disaster protection, more than 150 standards are already in force. In 2020, the Civil Protection Ministry of the Russian Federation and Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) approved a program of standardization in the field of civil protection, protection of the population and areas from natural and technological emergencies for 2020-2025. In 2021 it was established and also signed a cooperation agreement to prevent violations of legislation in the field of technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment in the field of civil and fire protection.
The technical regulation comes into force on June 1, 2023 and defines the uniform requirements for products in the territory of the Union, the procedures for their market approval and ensures the safety of the use of such products, their free distribution in a single economic area through the creation of uniform documents for conformity assessment. In order to ensure a smooth transition in the industry to the uniform, binding requirements introduced for the first time, transitional provisions for the application of this technical set of rules are being introduced.