At the meeting on April 26, 2022, amendments to TR CU 004/2011 "On safety of low-voltage equipment" were approved by the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration.
In the technical regulation TR CU 004/2011, some definitions and terms have been changed.
Low-voltage equipment
The definition of the term "low-voltage equipment" has been changed. Now this term is defined as follows: "electrical equipment, for which the rated voltage (with the exception of spark discharge) does not exceed 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC at all inputs and outputs".
Used low-voltage equipment
A definition of used low-voltage equipment is also introduced. These are low-voltage systems with one or more operating signs (dirt, external and internal dustiness, traces of extreme temperatures, liquids or sunlight, corrosion, patina, scratches, scratches, dents and other damage) that are documented.
A batch of low voltage equipment
A batch of low-voltage equipment is a set of units of low-voltage equipment with the same name and/or designation, manufactured within a specified period of time under the same production conditions and accompanied by a shipping document.
Household appliances
Household electrical appliances are electrical devices intended for use by consumers for purposes unrelated to production, trade and other commercial activities, the operational documents of which do not contain a ban on their use in everyday life.
List of products not subject to TR CU 004/2011
- Products that fall under the following technical regulations:
- TR CU 010/2011 On safety of machinery and equipment
- TR CU 011/2011 Elevator safety
- TR СU 012/2011 On safety of the EX equipment
Excluding cables, wires, cords.
- Devices manufactured by legal entities and sole proprietorships, provided they are NOT intended for sale, free transfer, renting, lending or leasing
- Components of low-voltage installations, provided they are not available to the consumer other than built into the equipment (supply by the manufacturer to be agreed).
- Device components (connectors, winding wires, circuit boards, microswitches, etc.) whose safety can only be determined as part of the device
List of devices subject to EAC certification
The proposed changes supplemented Appendix No. 1 of the technical regulation. This supplements the lists of devices that are subject to a conformity assessment in the form of an EAC certification. The following items have been added:
- Automatic control devices for electrical household appliances
- Consoles and panels, controls
- Personal computers, including system units
- Cash registers, also in connection with a computer
Office equipment includes the following:
- Scanners, printers and copiers
- Monitors
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies
- Acoustic systems
- Multimedia Projectors
The following items have been excluded from the list:
- 8. Device for distributing electrical energy
- 9. Electrical devices for controlling electrical systems
For the proposed changes to come into force, they must be reviewed and approved by the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union.