At a meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union on June 10, resolutions were passed to change the technical regulations TR CU 004/2011 On safety of low-voltage equipment and TR CU 020/2011 On electromagnetic compatibility adopted. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration.
Main changes are as follows:
- Categories of products that are NOT subject to the technical regulations have been clarified
- New definitions have been added and existing definitions have been clarified
- Requirements for operational documentation have been specified
- The lists of products that are subject to EAC certification have been added
The changes will come into effect 180 calendar days after the date of the official publication of the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union.
You can find out more about the exact changes here: TR CU 004/2011, TR CU 020/2011.