On December 23, 2021, two resolutions of the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission were published. This changed the lists of personal protective equipment and explosives that are subject to conformity assessment in accordance with the requirements of the technical regulations. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration.
It concerns the following resolutions:
- Resolution No. 177 of December 21, 2021 with changes to the list of products for which, in addition to a customs declaration, a certificate of conformity according to TR CU 019/2011 “On safety of personal protective equipment” is attached
- Resolution No. 178 of December 21, 2021 with changes to the list of products to which, in addition to a customs declaration, a certificate of conformity according to TR CU 028/2012 “On safety of explosives and products on their basis” is attached
Both resolutions come into force 30 days after publication and apply to legal relationships from January 1, 2022. Their main aim is to clarify the HS-codes of the products.
In the list of personal protective equipment in particular, clarifications are made in three places:
- "Other protective and rescue equipment" (HS-Code "8428 90 900 0" is replaced by "8428 90 800 0")
- "Interchangeable filters (filter elements) for personal protective equipment" (HS-Code “8421 39 200 9 "is replaced by "8421 39 200 8")
- "Protection agent against the effects of insects" (HS-Code "3808 99 900 0" is replaced by "3808 99 800 0"
In the list of explosives, the HS-Code "3603 00" in position 5 (fuses, electrical detonators, percussion or detonators, detonating cords) is replaced by "3603". In addition, the wording has been corrected in line with current legislation.