Rosstandart has approved a number of new editions of standards in the field of furniture manufacture for children:
- GOST 26682-2022 Furniture for preschool institutions. Functional dimensions
- GOST 19301.1-2022 Furniture for preschool children. Functional dimensions for tables
- GOST 19301.2-2022 Furniture for preschool children. Functional dimensions for chairs
- GOST 19301.3-2022 Furniture for preschool children. Functional sizes for beds
- GOST 30210-2022 Furniture. Test methods for bunk beds
- GOST 23381-2022 Chairs for students and children. Test Methods
The requirements specified in the new standards correspond to modern ideas about the anthropological data of preschool children and contribute to a scientifically sound approach to the sizing of furniture.
In order to implement the requirements of the TR CU 025/2012 On furniture safety, new standards for children's and school furniture have been developed, leading to the updating of the national collection of standards and an integrated approach to contribute to the standardization of goods for children.
The standards also specify testing methods to objectively check the safety of children's furniture.
In addition, the adoption of standards helps to break down technical barriers to trade, improve the technical level and competitiveness of children's furniture.
The standards were developed by a working group under the leadership of the Children's Articles Industry Association as part of the activities of the Technical Committee for Standardization No. 181 "Toys and Goods for Children" and will come into force on 1 effective January 2023.