Notification is a new procedure. It is required for new chemical substances that are to be placed on the market for the first time in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union and are not registered in the Single Register. Such substances must be examined, described, classified and included in a common register.
The authorized bodies responsible for notification of new chemical substances are defined as follows in accordance with Russian Government Decree No. 1407 of September 11, 2020.
- Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation (Minpromtorg);
- Federal Service for Supervision of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).
To register chemicals, applicants must prepare a number of documents. In particular, a report on the safety of chemicals.
Report on the safety of chemicals
The report on the safety of chemicals is another innovation. The notification procedure provides that the document is submitted in several stages. Therefore, this basic document on the testing of chemicals consists of two parts.
The first part includes physicochemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological studies. The first part is sufficient to draw conclusions about the hazard potential of a substance, assign it a status and allow its marketing in the country. The second part of the report contains tests for mutagenic, carcinogenic and reproductive effects. The notification procedure provides for a maximum testing period of three years for the second part.
Safety Data Sheet
Another important document is the safety data sheet. A safety data sheet is prepared by the manufacturer or importer. This document contains the basic properties of chemical products, as well as information on safety measures, rules for storage, transportation and disposal. It contains 16 sections specified in Annex A of GOST 30333-2022. An updated version of GOST 30333 has already been prepared but has not yet entered into force. Tentative effective date is December 30, 2023.
The safety data sheet must be registered by an approved body in the EAWU.
The requirements for marking are specified in GOST 31340. The Decree of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 18, 2022 N 640 - GOST 31340-2022 came into force as the national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2023, thus replacing the old version GOST 31340-2013.
This standard complies with UN Recommendation ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.7* "Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)", Seventh Revised Edition, with respect to hazard communication by labeling.