On October 5th, 2021, the public discussion of the Eurasian Economic Commission project began. This introduces changes to some of the decisions of the board of directors of the Eurasian Economic Commission in the field of technical regulation. This concerns the EAC certification or EAC declaration of furniture and attractions.
In particular, the changes prepared by the Commission's Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department are foreseen for the following products:
- a list of products for which, in addition to a customs declaration, a confirmation of conformity according to TR CU 025/2012 "On safety of furniture" is presented (approved by resolution of the board of directors of the Eurasian Economic Union No. 44 of March 18, 2014)
- a list of products for which, in addition to a customs declaration, a confirmation of conformity in accordance with TR EAEU 038/2016 "On safety of attractions" is presented (approved by the decision of the EEC Board of Directors No. 3 of January 15, 2019)
In TR CU 025/2012 "On safety of furniture", the names are corrected in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the customs tariff number of the goods "9401 30 000 0" is replaced by "9401 40 000 0" in the following paragraphs:
- Home furniture and furniture for public spaces for business purposes (furniture for educational institutions, trading companies, ship buildings, cultural institutions, train stations and communication companies)
- Household furniture and furniture for public spaces for functional purposes (chairs, poufs, sofas, children's furniture, etc.)
TR EAEU 038/2016 "On the safety of attractions" is to be adapted to the applicable legal norms. In addition, the customs tariff number of the goods "9508 90 000 0" will be replaced by nine other customs tariff numbers (for example 9508 21 000 0, 9508 30 000 0).
The need for changes results from the entry into force of the new edition of the goods nomenclature for foreign trade on January 1st, 2022. The changes are expected to come into effect on the first day of the new year. The discussion is scheduled for 21 days until October 26, 2021.