The Ministry for Industry and Trade, the Ministry for economic development of the Russian Federation and the accreditation authority have elaborated some temporary recommendations for surveillance, manufacturing audits or sampling as well as an extension of the validity of certifications due to the spread of coronavirus.
The new recommendations are valid until December 31, 2020.
An annual surveillance activities and the manufacturing audit in case of serial production are part of the EAC certification. The aim of the surveillance is to confirm, that the product still meets the technical requirements. Due to the current situation it is not possible to carry out periodic controls or audits.
The recommendations developed in March 2020 are not longer valid.
The most important points:
- Valid certificates: The certification body can decide to postpone the surveillance for valid EAC certificates for serial productions by up to 6 months if the next planned surveillance would be within the period of March 15 and December 31, 2020.
- In case of EAC certificates for serial products, whose validity expires between March 15 and December 31, 2020 and certifications of new products, which differ only slightly in design and technology, the certification body may renew the EAC certificate for serial production without audit.
Sampling can be carried out in the warehouse by the representative of the applicant (manufacturer), again via video conferencing with the certification body. The certification body shall save the video recording.
- The surveillance, which includes an audit shall be conducted within 6 months after cancellation of the restrictions due to Coronavirus.
- Certifications for new products: The certification can be issued for contract-related batches or one-time delivery. The schemes 3c and 4c for conformity assessment do not include an manufacturing audit. The certification body can assess the samples in an interim storage or customs warehouse. Samples can be selected independently by the applicant (manufacturer).
Extended recommendations allow to carry out the manufacturing audit for the EAC Certification for new products via video-conference. Staff, location and devices are checked remotely and the facility is identified by geolocalisation. Also the quality management system and other technical documentations are assessed. If an objective assessment of the production facilities and management system is not possible to assess remotely or if the potential risks of the product usage are too high, the audit cannot be conducted remotely. The notified body makes the decision itself.
If the certification scheme foresees samples of samples, these tests must be performed. The results of the previous tests cannot be used.
If it is not possible to carry out surveillance activities, it is recommended to not cancel the certifications for the period of epidemiological situation.