We’re often asked, if samples have to be marked with the EAC mark before they’re shipped into the laboratories in Russia.
The answer is no. No proof of conformity is required for samples sent for testing for EAC certification. Therefore no EAC mark is needed. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the samples are subject to a customs declaration in accordance with the generally established procedure.
This means that the samples are not subject to conformity assessment but must be properly declared to customs.
According to article 53 of the Treaty of the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014, the products placed on the market within the territory of the EAEU must be safe. The rules and procedures for ensuring the safety of products are specified in the Technical Regulations of the EAEU (Customs Union), which contain binding requirements for products.
Some conformity assessment schemes require product samples to be sent to the laboratory.
By decision no. 294 of the EAEU Committee of December 25, 2012 (Provisions governing the procedure for the introduction into the customs territory of products for which mandatory requirements are specified), it was established that the samples are subject to a customs declaration for release into the customs territory. Anyway, no proof of conformity is required to be presented to the customs authorities.
At the same time, the customs authority must provide a copy of the contract with an accredited certification body (accredited testing laboratory) in relation to these goods and/or a letter confirming the quantity (weight and volume) of imported samples required for these purposes.
A contract with the certification body may be messing, if the EAC declaration is registered independently via the electronic registration service on the official website of the Federal Service for Accreditation.
Forms of customs registration for the samples:
General procedure with customs declaration: the following aspects have to be taken into account
- in line 31 it has to be indicated: Samples for the purpose of confirming conformity
- line 37 indicates the Code “061” - commodities imported as samples for testing purposes (annex 2 to the Customs Commission Decision of 20.09.2010 No 378) 2
Written request: Instead of a customs declaration, the description of the goods must state the specificity of the sample "sample for the purpose of confirming conformity” and documents confirming the required quantity (weight and volume) of imported samples (a copy of the contract with an accredited certification body (accredited testing laboratory) and/or a letter from an accredited body).
Learn more about the selection and shipment of samples in our article “Selection and shipment of samples for EAC certification and EAC declaration” .