The Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission has decided to gradually introduce labeling in the “Chestny ZNAK” system (Честный знак - honest sign) for bottled water in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The product labeling system "Chestny ZNAK" is a national system for digital labeling and product traceability. It is impossible to import the products that are subject to labeling into the EAEU territory, their conformity assessment (in the form of e.g. EAC certification, EAC declaration or state registration) and their sale without such labeling. More about what the "Chestny ZNAK" goods labeling system is, what advantages it has, and how goods must be labeled can be found in this article.
The Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission examined the initiative proposal and decided on the gradual introduction of labeling "Chestny ZNAK" for bottled water in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. The Member States independently determine the date of introduction and the procedure for marking with identification means on their territory and notify the Council of this at least six months in advance. The technical regulation TR EAEU 044/2017 "On safety of bottled water and natural mineral water" is used for this procedure.
According to the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the ban on placing unmarked products on the market may not be introduced for natural mineral drinking water with and without carbon dioxide before December 1, 2021 and for other drinking water before March 1.
From January 1, 2022, the application of TR EAEU 044/2017 "On safety of bottled water and natural mineral water" will be mandatory for all declarations for the corresponding product types. The transition period of the technical regulations ends on the specified day (01/01/2022) and the old certificates of conformity that were issued in accordance with national standards will no longer be valid.
Two forms are provided for the conformity assessment of drinking water:
The EAC declaration must be drawn up for packaged drinking water, and a state registration certificate is required for medical natural mineral water, medical dining room and water for children. For state registration, among other things, the results of examinations of drinking water samples are required. These tests must be carried out by an accredited test laboratory.
According to the published information, the most frequent violations in the area of the EAC declaration of drinking water are non-compliance with the requirements for the scope of the necessary tests and labeling.