On January 1, 2022, the new technical regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union „On safety of combustible natural gas prepared for transportation and (or) use“ will come into force. The following products fall under the scope:
- Liquid gas
- Compressed natural gas
- Natural gas prepared for transportation/gas pipeline
- Natural gas for industrial and municipal use
The new regulation is intended to introduce rules for the placing on the market and safety requirements. Furthermore, every product series is required to be in possession of a special passport containing information on all products and manufacturers (e.g. EAC markings, test results etc.).
The conformity assessment comprises the declation and testing in accredited laboratories.
Furthermore, the provisions of TR CU 022/2011 On food marking have been updated. Primarily, these changes affect the communication of recent information on the product quality for consumers. The transitional period last for half a year from the date of the official publication.