Schmidt & Schmidt is offering extracts from the commercial registers of Belarus on legal entities, partnerships and sole proprietors with translation in PDF format.
The Belarusian commercial register contains all basic information on legal entities, partnerships and sole proprietors, registered in the Republic of Belarus.
Legal forms in Belarus
The legal forms in Belarus resemble those in Germany.
Открытое акционерное общество (ОАО) – public joint-stock company
Закрытое акционерное общество (SАО) – private joint-stock company
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью (ООО) – private limited company
Индивидуальный предприниматель (IP) – sole proprietor
Производственный кооператив (PK) – cooperativ
Полное товарищество (PT) – general partnership
Унитарное предприятие (аббревиатура UP) - unitary enterprise
Крестьянское (фермерское) хозяйство (КFH) – farmer
Коммандитное товарищество (КТ) – limited partnership
Current extract is an official document that contains up-to-date information about a company registered in Belarus. You can also order a historic extract from the commercial register. It contains information on previous addresses, owners etc.
A commercial register extract contains the following information about legal entities:
- Company name
- Date of registration
- Legal form
- Company's status
- Adrdess, phone, e-mail-address
- Type of economic activity
- Management
- Founders and owners
- Tax number
- Amount of share capital
- Information about solvency
- Information about branches
Please note that some of this data might not be available for certain organisations.
Inquiries are processed from 30 minutes.
Service | Price incl. German VAT 19% | Price excl. VAT |
Price for an electronic commercial register extract from Belarus | 71,40 € | 60,00 € |
Price for the translation of a commercial register extract from Belarus | 59,50 € | 50,00 € |
Price for a commercial register extract from Belarus with apostille without international shipping | 154,70 € | 130,00 € |
The commercial register extracts can be used:
- To obtain information about your business partners in Belarus
- For the preparation of foreign trade contracts
- For the filing of a suit
Apostille from Belarus
Documents from Belarus can only be recognised abroad, if they have been legalised accordingly. This means that their authenticity needs to be confirmed seperately. Belarus has joined the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents in 1992. Therefore this confirmation for the use in other member states takes place in the form of the so called apostille. This applies to the recognition of documents from other member states in Belarus, as well. The apostille confirms the authenticity of the signatureas and if required the authenticity of the seal or stamp.
Processing an enquiry will take about 7 days. The validity of an extract from the commercial register does not expire.
You can order the extracts without registration or subscription. Just fill out our online form. Our specialists will obtain the documents, translate them and send you the original, the translation and the invoice for our services via e-mail. You do not need to take any risk, as you will get the documents required at a fixed price. According to your wish we can have the commercial register extracts legalised by apostille. The documents will then be sent to you by mail. Additional fees for the apostille will be charged.