During the meeting of the Eurasian Economic Commission on November 30, 2016, the technical regulation "On requirements for mineral fertilizer" has been passed.
The regulation TR EAEU 039/2016 On requirements for mineral fertilizer is one of the most important standards in the field of the safety of chemical products. It determines the compulsory safety requirements for mineral fertilizer that are introduced to the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the requirements for their storage, transport, and EAC Marking.
According to the technical regulation, the following risk factors for envorinment and humans regarding mineral fertilizer are to be considered: risk of fire and explosion, oxidizing and corrosive effects and radiation.
The technical regulation aims to both harmonize the technical requirements for mineral fertilizers within the Eurasian Economic Commission and dismantle trade barriers.
For mineral fertilizers, the following conformity assessment procedures are intended:
- State Hygienic Registration on the basis of the MSDS safety data sheet and test reports
- state supervision
Furthermore, the development of two technical regulations "On safety of metro-rolling stock" and "On safety of light rail vehicles and trams" has been authorized.